The Crucifixion was no accident!

Dear Friend of InFaith: Northwest Oregon,

A brief devotional thought as we begin preparing to celebrate Resurrection Day at the end of next month…

Ernst Wilhelm Hildebrand - Besitz des Malers

The Crucifixion was no accident!
Yes, it was the unjust act of a brutal Roman regime.  Yes, it was the result of Jesus’ own people rejecting him as their long-awaited Messiah.  Yes, it had all the look and feel of a failure to lead his followers to freedom.  But Jesus knew in advance that it had to be this way.

Before his arrest, before his mock trial, before his torture and agony, before any of his disciples understood what was about to transpire, Jesus taught His disciples about humility in leadership saying, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)

 Our Savior knew that his death was part of the plan all along.  He knew it was necessary to buy our freedom from sin.  But even more: he knew of the Resurrection that would follow and the resurrection he brings to all of us in the age to come.    


InFaith: Northwest Oregon activities this week:

  • NWXNW, February 20, 3:30 PM
    Ministry leaders from the churches in the far northwest portion of our field gather tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday) at the Teele home, 73670 Doan Road, Rainier.  Join in the conversation and prayer as we share what the Lord is doing in the six InFaith fellowship churches in that neck of the woods.

  • Sandy Fellowship Breakfast February 21, 9 AM
    Pastors and church leaders from the eastern reaches of the field meet Wednesday morning at the Tollgate Inn in Sandy.  The monthly no-host breakfast is sure to be seasoned with grace and gratitude as we encourage one another in our walk with the Lord.

Did you get your free books yet?
Advance 2024 guest speaker Roy Yanke of PIR ministries has sent a couple of books for those of you who attended our gathering last month at the coast.  “The Weary Leader’s Guide to Burnout” and “Pastors at Risk” offer encouragement as they go deeper into some of the topics Roy addressed in his Advance messages.  If you were at Advance, I can give you your copies this week at NWxNW or the Sandy Breakfast, or next month at the Portland Pastors Prayer meeting.

 Sunday School Fellowship Annual Meeting, March 23, 10 AM, Woodland Park Chapel, Portland
Please, make sure your church is represented (maybe by you?) as the InFaith affiliated churches of Sunday School Fellowship gather to select board members for 2024.  Learn about SSF’s interest-free loans available to churches and pastors as well as the organization’s support and assistance for Advance.  And join us as we honor the Lord by remembering the late Pastor Mark Helmberger with the 2024 Bryce O Bartruff Servant Leader Award.  For more about the SSF meeting, contact Seth Lewis,

This coming Sunday I will have the privilege of sharing the Word at Shiloh Basin Community Church.  My speaking schedule this spring has a number of openings still.  If you or you pastor need a Sunday away from the pulpit, please give me a call at 971-645-2777.  If I don’t have that date open, I just might know someone else who does.

May the Lord who gave himself for your ransom strengthen you this week with the sure and certain hope of a Resurrection to come!

 Tom Hiscox, NW Oregon Area Missionary

Tom Hiscox